
global politics, relationally

5 Dec 2014
by Brandon Valeriano

Blaming James Franco: North Korean Cyber Warfare

“Wait and see”, that was the response of the North Korean government when asked if they were responsible for a massive cyber infiltration of Sony networks likely reaching 100TBs of data and paralyzing Sony’s networks.  While we are witnessing new … Continue reading

23 Sep 2014
by Laura Sjoberg

The Scottish Referendum and Ecological Fallacies

In trying to explain the results of the Scottish Referendum, the Telegraph, a major British newspaper, claims that the unemployed supported independence.  The evidence?  Aggregate results that show Scottish counties with high unemployment rates supporting independence at a higher rate … Continue reading

14 Aug 2014
by R. William Ayres

My Enemy, My Friend? Why the Islamic State May Be the Best Thing to Happen to Iraqi Kurdistan

Watching the sudden and (to Western eyes) unexpected unfolding of the Islamic State and its territorial gains in Iraq has been fascinating. The dynamics have been heretofore unpredictable – a few weeks ago a conflict scholar asked on a social … Continue reading

19 Jul 2014
by Laura Sjoberg

Is Russia Losing Control over the Ukrainian Separatists?

This is a guest post by Milos Popovic, a PhD student at the International Relations and European Studies Department at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary.  A recent post by a Russian-backed separatist leader Igor Girkin claiming credit for shooting down … Continue reading