
global politics, relationally

19 Jul 2014
by Laura Sjoberg

Is Russia Losing Control over the Ukrainian Separatists?

This is a guest post by Milos Popovic, a PhD student at the International Relations and European Studies Department at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary.  A recent post by a Russian-backed separatist leader Igor Girkin claiming credit for shooting down … Continue reading

26 May 2014
by R. William Ayres

Deterrence & the Inigo Montoya Problem: I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means

Inigo Montoya famously said, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Journalists seem especially prone to the Inigo Montoya problem, especially when it comes to basic ideas in international relations. David Sanger … Continue reading

12 May 2014
by R. William Ayres

The Helsinki Accords, “Normal” International Relations, and Our Terrible Historical Memory

The conflict in Eastern Ukraine and Russia’s actions in Crimea continue to dominate headlines and capture international attention. It’s been a while since we’ve seen irredentism as a relevant concept, but hostile boundary-shifting has again become de rigueur. This has shocked … Continue reading